Sunday, June 29, 2008

Not quite the outdoorsman... yet

With all the beautiful weather lately, we've been trying to spend more time outdoors (which, as many know, is more of a difficult task for me). I don't handle bugs well, or heat, or dirt... etc...

So, Caleb had his first experience in a pool this weekend. Despite the hot, humid weather, he definitely didn't like how cold it was. He also still doesn't like grass, and won't give many expressions other than his 'outdoors' face. We're working on it... but much progress is needed.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Bright Lights, Big City...

There's nothing like being in The City.... and nothing like being able to return to my humble little abode. Caleb and I spent last week up in Jersey visiting family, which was filled with many wonderful, happy memories. Then last weekend Brian and a few friends came up so we could take a trip into Manhattan to see my Broadway obsession, Wicked. Yes, I just saw it in December, and yes, the tickets cost way too much money, but it was 100% worth it in my opinion. It downright poured the entire time we were there, my shoes were soaked, and I looked like a frizz-ball, but we made the trek from 51st all the way down to 43rd to see Times Square... and of course no trip into New York is complete without me paying tribute to my two favorite celebrities, Anderson Cooper and Matt Lauer. After Rockefeller Center, we puddle jumped up to 57th and went to dinner at Jekyll & Hyde Club, which I highly recommend if you don't mind paying the extra $3/person for "entertainment". We then made our way down to the Gershwin and I sat in awe of my favorite leading lady, Stephanie J Block, at her second to last performace on Broadway. I had tears in my eyes twice, and had to yell at Brian in the middle of it for taking a "$200 nap". My recap doesn't in any way describe the fun I had... or how much I miss living up there-- but it was wonderful.

(Song titled No Good Deed, sung by Stephanie J. Block)

Sunday, June 1, 2008

The clock keeps on tickin'...

Today is Caleb's 9 month 'day', and after doing the math, I also realized that yesterday marked his 39th week post birth. I was pregnant for 39 weeks, so as of today he's been out of me longer than he was in me (sorry I couldn't think of a more appropriate way to say that). Maybe I'm the only one that this seems significant to, but I don't like how fast the days keep going by.

This afternoon we finally made it to the Salisbury Zoo-- which I'd chalk up as a great experience. Sure I had a melt-down in the car afterwards because multiple bugs had planned their brilliant escape via our clothing, but I can see myself taking Caleb back. He loved the flamingos.

Oh, and if you didn't listen to the song with my slideshow (see post below), I'd highly recommend listening to it. I still cry everytime I hear it, and I've found myself singing it during those times I'm just staring at the clock wanting the day to end.

"You're gonna miss this.
you're gonna want this back.
You're gonna wish these days hadn't gone by so fast.
These are some good times,
so take a good look around.
You may not know it now,
but you're gonna miss this."