Wednesday, March 26, 2008

He won't remember any of this...

I must've told myself that 100 times today. Come this morning we had a bit of a setback. Turns out I was completely off track with my "teething" scenario. His "diaper rash" turned into an abscess, and I'm so thankful I took charge and went to the doctor today. It's so reminiscent of my mastitis situation... though definitely not to the same degree of severity. So he's on a few antibiotics, and I was lucky enough to get him in with the same surgeon I went to. His appointment is set for Monday, but if he doesn't improve at all by Friday I'm not going to wait the weekend to do something about it. I learned that lesson all too well 6 months ago. Doctor after doctor told me 'wait it out... just do this and you'll be fine', when I knew better. I've found my gut instinct to be much more reliable than some doctor over the phone who can't see the current situation.

My memories of those weeks when I was so sick are still so ingrained in my mind. I could hardly hold him, let alone feed him or pick him up when he cried. I relied soley upon my husband and my mom to take care of my 6 week old baby. I can't imagine ever going through anything worse. I don't think I'd make it through alive. He's not going to get as sick as I was though... I won't let him. It just won't happen.

SO, whoever's reading this... I'm asking that you pray for my little Caleb. It's a scary situation, especially with me knowing how bad it COULD get. We're just praying that he's healed through this medication and doesn't have to get it drained. Pray for Brian and I that we stay strong and know the right thing to do at the right time. I'm just so thankful that he's going to the surgeon we know so well, and who's known him since he was just a month old. The nurses all love him there, and I know he'd be taken care of if need be.

Sorry for the depressing post. It's just one of those 'valley' days. Before I know it I'll be up on a mountain top again. That's the way God works, and I trust him.


Christie said...

Hey there, this is Christie, Carla's friend in Alaska.She told me about your situation. My son and I had the exact same problem. I developed a abscess on my breast shortly after he was born which turned out to be a staph infection. He had a staph infection in the diaper area when we brought him home from the hospital. So there I was with a week old baby knowing something was very wrong but with doctors saying it was just a diaper rash. Finally, found a Dr. who cared and was very upset that no one detected staph. My son went on antibiotics and that took care of it. A year later though, he developed a huge abscess on his bottom which turned out to be MRSA staph infection. That was a horrible time. We had to pack the wound several times daily. Awful. But, we made it through. YOu are absolutely right that your "gut" instinct as a mother is worth way more than any doctors book knowlege. So trust your instinct and fight for your little boy. I am praying for you guys.
If you need any support please feel free to email me.

carla said...

I agree your instinct is usually right. You sounded so strong today. Thinking about you tonight and will be praying tomorrow afternoon. I'll call you in the morning.

Jenn said...

Hey Meg! I am so sorry about this horrible time with little you can do to make it all better! I will have you all lifted up and you are showing what an amazing woman of God you are!! He is with you and in control and maybe he had you go through it first to save little Caleb from having to endure all the pain and packing. You are an amazing Mom!! We love you and will pray diligently for you guys!!

Love you!!
