Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The wonderful world of cake making...

So I just finished taking my "cake decorating 101" class.... overall I'd call it a success. Learned some new techniques, have a bunch more tools now, and I can make some dang good icing!

Biggest downfall of the course.... having cake in my house for 4 weeks straight. It's lovely, but most nights I go to bed sick from eating so much of it. I think that would fall into my 'need to work on self control' category.

Anywho, here are the 3 cakes I made:

Sunflower week was a spice cake, clown week was chocolate, and formal/roses week was strawberry.... YUMMM. I might take class 201 in January. We'll see.

I did learn, however, that I could never do this for a living-- no matter how good I get. People that make money on cakes can't be perfectionists... or as emotionally driven as me :-)


Anonymous said...

Haha! Love all these Meghan. Just think of all the wonderful cakes you'll be able to make for Caleb's bdays. I remember my mom always made animal cakes for us. I think my favorite was the swan cake. I requested that several years in a row. :o)

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said...

Hi meghan
nice should carry on..

kater's mom said...

your cakes are beautiful.
and caleb is getting so big. how exciting!