Thursday, February 19, 2009


This site I use to get my weekly updates on pregnancy always refers to the baby as a certain type of food to give a reference point to their size. Until we find out the gender and figure out a name, baby Sheats is commonly referred to as their appropriate food of the week. Hence, blueberry.
I'll be 8 weeks this Saturday, but I wanted to share what's been going on in baby Sheats' life for the past week.
-arms & legs continue to develop, while hands and feet begin to sprout!
-baby has doubled in size within the past week & is now 1/2 an inch long
-eyelid folds partially begin to cover the eyes (which already have some color)
-both hemispheres of the brain are rapidly growing
-baby's liver is producing red blood cells until bone marrow forms & takes over
-appendix & pancreas have formed
-a loop in baby's growing intestines is bulging into the umbilical cord

Other things going on in my body:
-uterus has doubled in size over the past month
-I have 10% more blood flowing through my body (will be 45% more by the end of pregnancy)

Info on that picture: that tail that you see is the tailbone, and will be getting smaller each day. By next week it'll be almost completely gone, and baby will have more of a human-like face, with an exceptionally big brain on top. 10-12 weeks is when they really start resembling more of a 'baby'. I love it though. Seeing pictures like that is helping me get through these difficult weeks! First ultrasound in T-14 days!


carla said...

I remember the food analogies. Jeremy always looked forward to the "steak" week. It never came. lol.

Anonymous said...

As exciting as this post was to read....I think I'll skip on the blueberries I brought for lunch today. :oP
