Sunday, June 7, 2009


The 3 1/2 month awaited update for all you crazies that still check this :-)

My little blueberry has grown immensely. This week: about as long as an ear of corn, and weighs over a pound. Also, apparently my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now (which means my feeling huge isn't all in my head).

We now know that my little kicker is a BOY (but anyone who reads this already knows that)!! Caleb hugs and kisses my belly almost daily. The other night he was determined to bring Brian into the living room... we thought he just wanted to play, but he brought him straight over to my belly to say hi to his 'broyr' (some of his words are quite difficult to spell out).

A milestone update on my now 21 month old: his favorite things to do at the moment involve helping me. Some days it seems he doesn't even touch his bazillion toys taking up our whole living room, but instead spends the morning helping me sweep, vacuum, and doing laundry. He's a pro at taking the clean laundry out of the dryer when he hears the buzzer-- and even always remembers to empty the lint trap! In the evenings he almost always helps me cook dinner, which usually consists of getting out a pot and a pan (he's always quite particular about which one he wants that day). He asks me to put water in one, and then he proceeds to mix it on the floor and transfer the water back and forth between pots. At some point, I always hear the 'uh oh, uh oh's after it ends up on the floor, but he prompty grabs a towel to clean it up. Whenever he's done he likes Brian and I to smell/taste his creation, and always looks so pleased when we tell him how yummy it is.

His vocabulary is expanding daily. He'll mimick almost any word we say to him, and he's starting to put the end syllables onto his words (du has turned into duck... ca into cake, etc). The one that makes me smile most has to be the new way he says mommy & daddy. We used to go by 'maaaay' and 'daaaay', but he now says 'Mamay' and 'Dayday'. One of those much cuter in person things :-)

Ok, ok, that's it for me. My apologies that it took this long. You may be in for a bit of a wait again though-- until I can convince whoever I need to convince to tack on 2 hours to each day....