Monday, December 8, 2008

The long awaited update...

I've been informed that it's time for an update. I look at my blog often, but then lose intrest while trying to figure out what to write about. Most things that I find exciting in life, most other people aren't too impressed by. I'll go ahead and share though.

Caleb's up to 11 distinguishable words now. He talks a blue streak when he's alone with Brian and I, but seems to really shy away from talking while others are around. When I ask him a question, he'll respond with an answer... I can't wait until his responses are words that I can understand. Certain conversations with my son go quite well, such as: "Caleb, would you like your juice?", his response being "Juice, juice". But when I ask more complex questions, like "Do you want to play with blocks or read a book?", I'll get a "doobow" as an answer. It's a learning process for us both... which I'm enjoying to the fullest. I can't tell you how many times he makes me laugh out loud throughout the day. I have tears in my eyes I laugh so hard sometimes.

Even though I have problems understanding him many times, I just love how well he understands me. When I say "bathtime" he runs upstairs. When I ask him to get a book, he'll bring me one. When I say it's time to change his diaper, his face errupts with tears. Dogs say "oof", chickens say "boc", cows say "ooo". He knows where his nose, eyes, and mouth are. He's enamored with our belly buttons. He loves to play basketball, dance, clap, and wave at everything possible. His little brain just amazes me. It baffles me that some people still can't believe in our Creator after seeing a child form, grow, and develop like this.

My goal is to update more than once a month from now on. That will have to suffice for now :-)
my little climber's becoming quite adventurous... the boy loves his puzzles!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the update! He is so cute!!!

Unknown said...

I can't wait to see you guys soon. He's so cute.