Saturday, December 27, 2008

A perfect Christmas

Our festivites started on Chistmas Eve. Sadly, Brian and I were both battling colds and he especially was quite miserable... hence we missed the Christmas Eve service at church. Instead, we read the children's Christmas story out of Caleb's kiddy Bible. We regrouped all day and then spent a fun evening with all the in-laws. It's a tradition in my family to open Christmas jammies before bed... and we then called it a night.

Christmas morning: I was so excited for Caleb to open his presents that I woke up at 5:45 and somehow had to stay quiet until the boys woke up. I was productive though. Showered and got breakfast ready. I'm finding that I love doing things the way I grew up... I remember always having to wait in my parent's room Christmas morning while my dad went downstairs... he'd scout out if Santa came, turned on Christmas music and got a big fire going. Granted we don't have a fireplace, and our stockings were hung on the bannister, but I still love playing Christmas music while we open presents, and walking downstairs to a room filled with Santa droppings (SD's as my parents called them). There'd be candy hidden all over the room... granted it's not as fun when you have to put it out yourself, but still a tradition I want to continue with.

Luckily my boys were up a bit after 7, and since Caleb wasn't old enough to 'anticipate' Christmas yet, we were able to eat breakfast before opening presents. Stockings are always opened first, and someone must love me because I got a beautiful pair of earrings not to mention gift cards, and tons of Bath & Body works loot. Caleb had a 3 foot foam sword hanging out of his stocking... once he saw that Christmas could've been over. He excitedly opened his first few gifts though. Our big gift to him was a Bounce & Spin Zebra (which we stupidly didn't assemble first. A massive fit ensued as we tried to screw it together for him while realizing we didn't even get the AAA batteries he'd need for it--live & learn). I also got a new camera which I'm so excited about!

We had to keep movin' because Caleb needed a bath & nap before scooting down to Brian's parent's house for lunch & gifts with the whole family. We had a lovely time, and Caleb held it together on 1 hour of naps instead of his usual 3. We came home and finally attempted to eat my botched roast that I'd made the day before. Though it was a disappointment, it did it's job and filled our tummys. We then spent the evening playing with our new toys and dancing to the new Casting Crowns cd (which I recommend everyone get)!

All in all, it was a perfect day. I'm so grateful to have grown up in a family, and also married into a family, that celebrates Christ's birth. On New Years Eve we'll be driving up to see my side of the family for about a week. It's like a never ending Christmas! All that's missing is some snow.


carla said...

Good story! I don't think I have any real traditions yet. I'm hoping they evolve over the years!