Tuesday, January 20, 2009

An Obama nation.

Today was an important day in history. No getting around that. I was moved by the older men and women that came to bear the freezing weather to catch a glimpse of something they thought they'd never see.

Truthfully, I guess I never thought having an African-American president was out of reach. Truthfully, I don't think he's going to do things to our country that I'll agree with. Truthfully, he's my president now, so I salute him. I want him to succeed. I want him to accomplish things that will benefit Caleb and my future children. For him to do that, I need to pray for him. We all need to pray for him.

As I watched the coverage ALL day, I just kept thinking... how long will it be until all those people worshipping and praising our now president, will turn their unfulfilled hopes into curses and blame? He's only a man, and there's only so much he can do (and so much I hope he won't do) to fix things. Today is his day. He's basking in it, as he should be. Tomorrow, the hard work begins.

Pray for our president. Pray for our country.

God alone, not Barack Obama, can heal our nation.


Anonymous said...

I was thinking the same thing. This is just one man and I can't imagine the pressure he feels to fix everything. I just pray that God mold his heart and surround him with wise council to help he bear this burden.

Jeremy said...

Well said!