Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My week in review

We spent last weekend up in Jersey with my family. As we all know, I always come home sad... longing to live up there, but know financially that may never happen. We were kinda worried it would be a rough car wide with Caleb & Belle in the backseat (of my 2 door Honda), but for the most part the trip was a success. I just adore my family. Being around my niece & nephews (minus Tanja who's in Cali for college) really made me realize how fast childhood goes by though. They're all still such little kids to me, but in reality, are now 19, 12, 10, 9, 8, 6, & 5....geez. Soon they'll be teenagers... and I know that means Caleb will be someday as well. Lets not think about that quite yet though.

Caleb went through a major "look what I can do now" spurt last week. New tricks include: pulling himself up to a standing position, pulling himself from laying to sitting, and we finally started hearing the "Dadada, Mamama, Bababa's". He's constantly trying to stand, ends up playing on his knees half the time, and seems just days away from crawling. *Sigh...* I love it, but it does just come and go so quickly. Wasn't it just a few months ago that he did nothing but lay there like a blob?

Oh, and an update on his follow-up with the surgeon... the culture came back. *Drumroll...* bacteria being: MRSA. I just kinda shook it off, as I had expected those results. Anywho, all is healing perfectly. The incision is basically closed up already, and we were able to stop the oral antibiotics. Now both of us are just taking the nasal one, and that should be the end of it! Unless it happens again, which no one could tell us. Seems there's a lot the doctors still don't know about it. But we're getting Brian tested too to make sure he isn't a carrier. SO, I hope this is the last time I need to mention "MRSA" for a long, long time.

Last bit of news for today... I reached the 15 pound mark in my diet yesterday! It's been 6 weeks and I'm still goin' strong. I'm finally now back to my pre-pregnancy weight (which wasn't much to be proud of in the first place), and only have 10 more 'til I reach my final goal (wedding day weight). It's the first time I've ever dieted "healthily". Sometimes I actually enjoy working out... and after the soda withdrawal had passed, it hasn't been as difficult as I had imagined. For this reason, I'm declaring myself AWESOME. The end.