Sunday, April 13, 2008

Spring has arrived!!

What a beautiful day it was! Everyone's grass is freshly mowed (...or needs to be), and trees are starting to bud! Caleb had his first swing ride at Grandma & Grandad's after Josiah's dedication today. Of course, he had his "outdoor face" on the entire time. A mix of confusion, wonder, and the sun in his eyes. It never changes, and it's adorable.
Tonight another landmark event occured. Yes, we achieved crawling status! Of course, my goal the rest of the evening was to get it on camera, which definitely wasn't in the cards. Soon I'll proudly have a video of it to post on here though.
This weekend I also got to have a girls night with Savannah! It's quite rare that I don't have my hip attachment along, and I missed him so terribly... but Brian did a marvelous job with him all evening. Even got him to take a nap-- needless to say I was quite impressed.
Now it's time to get back to watching the democratic presidential Compassion Forum on CNN. My good old Messiah College is hosting it... so I suppose I'll hear them out. But I'm still voting for my man McCain!! While we're on the subject, is it odd that I'm starting to feel withdrawal symptoms from the lack of primaries in the past month? Gosh I'm such a politics nerd...


Anonymous said...

BRIAN did a wonderful job but you know what? his lovely assistant was pretty darn good at day care too I'll have you know!