Tuesday, July 29, 2008


The little man and I spent some time over with Carla & the kiddo's today... it was so fun watching Caleb & Aliza play. She's quickly learned about sharing her toys, and he's getting big enough that they're actually able to do things together. He seems to get a kick out of everything she does, whether it's running around or trying to smother him with a pillow. Once he's able to really run around by himself, those little mischeif makers are going to have a lot of fun! And Josiah's not too far behind. He's only 6 months younger, so in the longrun I see those boys being good buddies-- once Josiah realizes Caleb exists...


carla said...

That picture turned out great! It was fun to see them playing together. Hopefully just the beginning of many happy memories.

kater's mom said...

oh my goodness, they are too cute and they look so alike/are making the same expressions that they could be siblings! see you this weekend!